Bear Cub Relocated to Los Padres National Forest

(Photo: John Palminteri/KEYT News)

Source: Ventura County Sherif’s Office

On 08-30-17 at 10:30 AM deputies responded to a bear in the area of the 100 block of North Felix Drive in Meiners Oaks.  The cub ran up a tree and was stationary for some time.   After a consultation with Department of Fish and Wildlife, the instructions were to leave the cub alone and it would likely come down at dusk and head back for the mountains.  Fish and Wildlife officials indicated that based on the size of the cub, it was not likely to have a “momma bear” with it.  However, at 2:00 PM the cub came down from the tree and was walking through yards in the 100 block of North Lomita Avenue. Patrol deputies responded again and contacted Fish and Wildlife again who responded.   While deputies were on scene, the cub climbed a tree in the 100 block of North Lomita Avenue.  The cub stayed in the area until Fish and Wildlife arrived.
Once on scene, Fish and Wildlife official, Lieutenant JC Healy, in conjunction with deputies from the Ojai station came up with a plan to set up a perimeter and immobilize the cub so it could be safely relocated.  The two agencies kept public safety and the cub’s safety in mind in every decision.  The cub was successfully immobilized and relocated to the Los Padres National Forest.


Edhat Staff

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