Edhat readers report hearing two loud bangs or explosions on the Westside early Sunday morning
- About 5am Sunday we were woken by loud explosions. Observed three youngsters in middle of street at San Andres and Pedragosa setting off large firecracker. They then ran north on Pedragosa. Another explosion followed from somewhere over there. Residents were out and about, one was on phone. Two police cars arrived minutes later, spoke to resident with phone, and proceeded to cruise the area. Explosions ceased. Good morning, Westside!!
- Did anyone hear 4 gunshots around 5:15am this morning. Gillespie & mission?
- Two LOUD bangs early Sunday morning on the Westside. Transformer blowing? Fireworks? Gunshot?
- Heard a loud pop and saw a bright light on the westside area, must be fireworks. Anyone else hear or see it?
- What was that series of explosions in upper State St. area around 5:30 this a.m.?
Ugh, I never said a vigilante group! A bit dramatic don’t you think. A citizen patrol group would simply call 911 and report the offenders. Ridiculous!
Yes, ridiculous. Are you volunteering for the 3 to 4 a.m. shift? But if you are going to do this you will need some identifier to avoid being reported yourself. I think the Neighborhood Watch logo still appropriate–but maybe in white to show you are the good guy/gal.