(Courtesy Photo)
This is the fourth installment in our “Meet Your Mayoral Candidates” series. Every day this week we’ll be featuring information and a video interview from our five applicants vying to be the next Santa Barbara Mayor in alphabetical order, because Ed does not take sides. All past candidates can be seen here. Today, we’re featuring Cathy Murillo, learn more about her below.
Cathy is a current member of City Council and was endorsed by former candidate Maiza Hixson. Prior to serving as a City Counselor, she was the News and Public Affairs Director of KCSB, UCSB’s student run radio station.
A self-described community advocate for youth and seniors, Cathy is heavily involved with local community groups and organizations, from the arts to law enforcement.
She believes in supporting local businesses and fostering economic development and revitalizing our neighborhoods and environment.
Thank you Newsmakers with Jerry Roberts for conducting the interview and sharing the video with edhat readers.
Thanks for calling out my comments! I think my analysis of Murillo is pretty spot on, but it is always nice to be validated! ——- Hopefully people will take notice and share what she is doing behind the scene to shut down the 125 AUD Cap and Metering. Bendy White proposed both the Cap and the Metering and we are in desperate need of this because we are not getting what we wanted with the AUD. He’s right. Only the BEST projects to be built fist. —— I would had to see Marc II built rather then something better just because Murillo was helping her likely donors out by excluding virtually everyone in the AUD pipeline. We have 765 units in the AUD High/Priority Overlays and we only wanted a test of 250! (Mark my words on the donors…)
No voy a votar por Murillo.
Thanks for calling out my comments! I think my analysis of Murillo is pretty spot on, but it is always nice to be validated by someone else! ———– Hopefully people will take notice and share what she is doing behind the scene to shut down the 125 AUD Cap and Metering. Bendy White proposed both the Cap and the Metering and we are in desperate need of this because we are not getting what we wanted with the AUD. He’s right. Only the BEST projects to be built fist. ——— I would hate to see Marc II built rather then something better just because Murillo was helping her (likely) donors out by excluding virtually everyone in the AUD pipeline. We have 765 units in the AUD High/Priority Overlays and we only wanted a test of 250! ————- (Mark my words on the donors… Murillo is all about the $$$ and is unprincipled in my opinion.)
Helicopter air-raids and flying machines?
Do you get your tinfoil hats by the dozen?
If you are at home on a Thursday afternoon at 1:50pm on the Mesa with nothing better to do than record when planes/helicopters/other winged machines, then lucky you. Maybe enjoy not having to be stuck in a cubicle or digging a ditch and stop whinging about all the pesky aeroplanes….
Does anyone else notice how overbearing she is with Jerry in this video? Watch the other candidates – they all come across as astute, articulate and responsive. She provides a stark contrast and not in a good way.
Not thanks……she is just a bunch of lip-service. Please please please , get an intelligent person voted in.
They are as thick as thives.
She is our Donald Trump: a blowhard, controversial, power-mad social media addict that eggs on those who foment racial division.
“….adding parking to three bedroom units…”. AUDs – Ruining a neighborhood near you soon! Those of us with off street parking can look forward to having our driveways blocked by those who don’t and are struggling to find street parking. Ms. Murillo has too much ego invested in this process to recognize that it is destroying Santa Barbara neighborhoods and nearby property values.
No…just…NO. So many reasons, all of which are so well-known that I’m not even going to go there. Ms. Murillo is actually a very sweet person, but is a Social Justice Warrior to the extreme. She has a noisy, narrow claque of followers who are…disturbing. If you like the antics of PODER, you’ll love Cathy Murillo. She is the last thing Santa Barbara needs at this point.
Nope. If you care about Sb don’t vote for her. I bet she is sweet as mentioned but that doesn’t qualify you to be a mayor. I strongly agree with Rex.
Yes, she did and she IS involved with PODER.
Jerry’s got a burr under his saddle about the vacation rental thing. The issue has been settled. We GET IT that he has been renting out his home as a vacation rental, and now he’s obviously bitter.
He’s kind of a condescending jackass to the interviewees. It seems like he likes to hear himself talk instead of listening to their answers. What an old curmudgeon!
Murrillo would be a Complete and Utter Disaster as Mayor of Santa Barbara. She is the least qualified and rational among the candidates. Personally, I have found her to be Unprepared for meetings, Uneducated, Unschooled in how to conduct meetings and just plain Unelectable to represent Santa Barbara. Right now she is attempting to dismantle the AUD 125 Cap and Metering that the City Council approved in August through the Housing Task Force (HTF). During this months HTF meeting the sole motion made by Murrillo was to allow the AUD Applicants in the pipeline to be EXCLUDED from the AUD 125 Cap and Metering. ——- And guess who was there to plead for Applicants to be excluded from the 125 Cap and Metering? None other than the Developer of the Marc. (Their 1 bedrooms started at $2450 per month! They are the poster child for all that is WRONG with the AUD.) The Developers of the Marc have a 2nd project in the pipeline for 89 units where the Galleria is. Of course they don’t have the property, but they can TRANSFER their development rights anywhere in the City because their application is IN and they would NOT be subject to the Cap or Meeting if Cathy gets her way! —— If you want to gentrify the East and Westsides, ensure that new housing is Unaffordable, that impact fees don’t get levied for affordable housing then go ahead and vote for her. In my humble opinion (after seeing her in action at City Council Meetings, Ordinance and other Advisory Meetings where she has been a decision maker) she has massive character flaws that include irrational, punitive and manipulative behavior – besides all of the previously issues which disqualifies her to be our Mayor. I believe she is only out for herself and her donors NOT residents, but she will lie to your face to get your vote. – She won’t really work for affordable housing of the middle class or the lower classes unless she is backed into a corner. Why? – Her donors don’t want that…
How is one anonymous person being against her “an excellent reason to be for her?” I don’t understand the logic here. Also, how is Rex racist because he doesn’t approve of the way PODER, a very controversial and aggressive group, handles their interactions with the public? You do know it’s OK to disapprove of someone’s or some group’s behavior without being racist, right?
Because I’m against her everyone should be for her? How do gather that conclusion? Do you know me personally or are you just obsessed with comments I make on edhat? If you read the rest of the comments you’ll see most of the people with any brains are against her as well. I’d like to know what you think of sbcountylocals comment which is the best/truest one I’ve read so far!
I am completely serious when I say that if she is election we are selling our home and moving to a better place. This town has gone far enough down this road and needs a different direction. The differences between her view and reality are vast. Not economic comprehension. All she wants to do is collect voters that need government support or services and then set them against the population that pays to be here. I am hopeful this will not be our destiny but I have a couple real estate searches going on currently because this. 60 years of family investment and ties and over 10 years of my adult life working hard and paying into this. To see this be the outcome would be very saddening.
It appears that her embrace and close relationship with PODER is going to doom her campaign. Just looking at her list of endorsements raises my suspicions about her willingness to be a mayor for EVERYONE….not for just a select few “insiders” and special interest groups. Plus think we all want someone who is honest and trustworthy….not just a photo opportunist with a wine glass in hand.
No no no. Doesn’t speak Spanish, but supported by CAUSE. There’s a valid endorsement. Tossed locally-owned and loved East Beach Grill out so we could hand Parks and Rec more $$$ when they do a terrible job managing the parks. SEIU $10,000 campaign contribution paid back – check. Divisive. Her beloved PODER terrorized Mexican-owned tacqueria that disagreed with her. “You will suffer” with vengeance to the Micheltorena neighbors when she forced a bike lane on them. Emotional maturity of a Jr. High school girl, and tactics to match.
This is Not. Mayor. Material.
ANYONE But Cathy 2017.
Delusions? So I’m delusional because I think Cathy would be a terrible mayor? I’m not sure how that works out in your tiny little head but If that makes me delusional then so be it. NO ON MURILLO!!!!