Infamous Santa Barbara landlord, Dario Pini, was featured in a new KCET investigative report.
Titled as the “Coastal Housing Crisis: Substandard of Living,” SoCal Connected’s Deepa Fernandes met with Pini and his lawyer, along with Santa Barbara City officials and attorney Ariel Calonne.
According to Fernandes, Pini referred to himself as a savior of Santa Barbara’s working class, while the City and many tenants prefer to call him Santa Barbara’s slumlord as Pini faces over $8 million in fines and penalties.
Fernandes toured properties with Pini and then visited properties without Pini, to which he showed up and confronted the reporter.
Watch the full video below:
As a renter, what should I do about the termites, rot, leaking roof, and plumbing insufficiencies, your landlordness?
I agree that his properties do need some help but honestly to all of you that only want the elitist of the elite living next you in your ultra gentrified neighborhoods, who the hell is going to provide services to you when you have squeezed the working class out? I almost want to see it happen.
” sounds like the county is finally very serious about this issue.” Haha. The County has been “serious” about Pini for decades. Amazing that nothing is ever done about him aside from a few fines and a wee bit of jail time. What I ponder is how 14 to an apartment manage to organize their bathroom time. How DO they doo-doo it?