Santa Barbara Mayor Voter Poll

By Edhat Staff

Our local elections are right around the corner with all ballots being cast on Tuesday, November 7. The biggest debate that’s taking place in the City of Santa Barbara is among the five candidates vying for Helene Schneider’s mayor seat. Learn more about each candidate here.

Who will you be voting for? Take our edhat poll below!



Every City of Santa Barbara resident will also be voting on Measure C. The ballot states this Measure will maintain essential services and repair critical infrastructure for an additional sales tax of 1%. Although the ballot states it’s a one-cent sales tax, creating some confusion among voters. The final verdict is that this is 1%, not a $0.01 sales tax increase.

Are you for or against Measure C?

Several districts throughout Santa Barbara City are voting for new City Council members. If you live in Districts 4, 5, or 6, who did you vote for?

District 4

District 5

bike trails

District 6


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Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. I don’t understand all the posts online (mostly on the Indy) saying how we should all rally behind Murillo to avoid Hotchkiss winning. She is NOT leading any polls I’ve seen. She’d be a terrible mayor and I can’t wrap my head around the whole idea of voting for an unqualified candidate that you don’t want to be mayor just to keep an undesirable one (policy wise) out!

  2. Murillo just wants to punish those who do not agree with her. Must say though that the pics they used of her in the attack ad really make her look like a “slob.” Does anyone know if she ditched her public support of PODER?

  3. I am happy to see this poll! Most excited to see a mad rush to the middle. Cathy and Frank are just too extreme for Santa Barbara, and would not be a good face for us. Hal or Angel will do just fine!
    I saw the Cathy ad. Looks like those Micheltorena neighbors don’t love Cathy. Good for them for showing the real Cathy to unsuspecting voters.

  4. I can’t believe any homeowner in this city or anyone who grew up in Santa Barbara would vote for Murillo. She is the driving force behind the AUD and building more apartments as quickly as possible no matter the cost to the neighborhoods and the homeowners who live there. Doesn’t matter how big and ugly the buildings are, that there is no parking for the new residents or for the people who already live there. Just build build build and worry about infrastructure later, you know, after you’ve turn SB into IV and crime has skyrocketed, tourist dollars have dissipated because the city has lost its charm and property tax dollars have dwindled because homeowners have fled and all that is left are renters, who are still 2-3 families to an apartment because they can’t afford the rents on all these new high end AUD apartments. That’s Murillo’s plan.

  5. This poll can not be taken seriously. I love you Edhat but it is way to easy to cheat and skew the results.
    If you believe the results of this poll you are ill informed. I can not believe how many Cathy haters post their opinions constantly on every local website. This is a local campaign not Hillary or Bernie vs Donald. It has gotten way too spiteful and ugly. You all must feel threatened by her candidacy. I do not see such vicious things written about the other candidates. Time to play fair on the playground.

  6. Murillo is not the “driving force” behind the AUD. She was not one of the “architects” of this program. I believe this program was conceived of in 2011, prior to Murillo’s election to the city council. The fact of the matter is the entire city council and mayor had to vote on accepting this ordinance, it takes a majority, that is at least 4 out of 7 to pass any ordinance.

  7. This poll may be fun, but I wouldn’t take it seriously. As someone else mentioned, it’s very easy to vote multiple times for the same person. I suspect proponents of some candidates have figured that out judging by how some candidates numbers have spiked compared to everyone else’s in the past 24 hours. It’s also common for campaigns to run internet/social-media focus units – this poll would be a piece of cake to manipulate. Same goes for comment sections these days. I pine for the simpler days of the old Edhat and its community.

  8. Appears as if the winner of the mayoral race in SB will be either Conklin or Martinez according to their high polling number. The numbers for the other candidates show that they are too far behind to overtake either of these two front-runners. Cathy’s numbers in particular are falling, and people on the Eastside are not going to vote for her “just because”, nor are a high percentage of those on the Westside who she offended with her infamous on-video “you’re going to feel the pain of my vote.” I”m sure she’d like to take THAT one back, but too late once you show your true colors….on video no less!!!

  9. Angel Martinez lives in downtown Santa Barbara, and has since before he thought about running for Mayor. He has never held public office and is only running because he cares about Santa Barbara, and has a track record of phenomenal life achievements to actually make progress happen with the bully pulpit of the mayor’s office. If you were hiring someone to work for you (which we are all doing when we are voting for mayor), wouldn’t you at least look at the record of achievement of who you are hiring? While the other candidates all have varying good qualities and backgrounds, Angel’s accomplishments and life story make him look like LeBron James compared to the other candidates as high school basketball players. We are lucky to have a candidate with the skill set to really make a difference and who wants the job for all the right reasons, why not give him a shot at it? We can always go back to the same ol’ same ol’ next time around, but this is a unique opportunity to change our city for the better!

  10. So he got a place in town to qualify as a candidate for Mayor? So far the logic for supporting this candidate is that his past business career will successfully translate into good things for our community? Why does he start with supporting the 13% hike in our Sales Tax?? Pro-solutions should mean lower taxes and less frivolous spending. Tax and Spend is the go-go approach Obama Admin used to flail us into massive debt.

  11. I did NOT vote for Bendy White due to his endorsement by our current mayor Helene Schneider. I still hold her accountable for supporting the New York Philharmonic concert at La Playa Stadium in July where a dog was so severely frightened it ran into traffic and was struck by a car.
    I did NOT vote for Cathy Murillo due to her support of PODER and the ensuing Milpas Street Fiasco. I give her kudos for being dog friendly, but that isn’t enough to earn my vote.
    Candidates: Actions have consequences and some of us have long memories and we VOTE.

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