Edhat readers share photos of a local recurring art installation at Lake Cachuma.
By Patti Gutshall
“Sports” Runaway Pavillion, 2017 Powder-coated steel. Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art, Santa Barbara. A surprise at the Marina.
By Mardena
We were at Lake Cachuma yesterday and saw this beautiful design of three pyramid-like assemblies donated. They are colorful and beautiful! We noticed that Scrub Jays like going inside these structures.
I don’t know about you, but when I go into the great outdoors to look at the lake, the bald eagles, the national forest..etc. The last thing I want is to have some ridiculous tinker-toy multi colored structure to interfere. IF I want something that is really visually noisy, I can always go stare at the Chromatic Gate and wonder why my tax dollars paid for this too.
They need to take this nature distracting mass of color down “yesterday!”
Who in their right mind would ever put this out of place mass of color at a lake?
What would I rather do: spend 15 minutes staring at this cringe-worthy “art” installation orrrrrr…listen to Fran Drescher laugh while scratching a blackboard with her fingernails for the rest of my life? Hmmmmm….start scratchin’ Fran!!
Visual Pollution