By Roger the Scanner Guy
It sure looks a lot different up there in the hills then it did on Saturday. I was kinda scared we were gonna be overrun by smoke and possibly fire, now I’m looking up there and it looks pretty clear. We’re supposed to have a wind event, we will see I guess. I think those firefighters saved our bacon and our town. Everyone’s grateful now but down the line the Firefighters will ask for a Fire House or for much-needed equipment and some nitwits will come out of the woodwork and bitch about taxpayer money better spent on “Hate and Wars.” Once again thank you to the firefighters for saving our town.
I noticed on Facebook people posting pictures of the hillside burning after it had been put out, the caption said, “This is Santa Barbara, California right now, all its History is about to go up in flames, etc etc etc.” I commented on some of them that it was the other day and not presently happening some people didn’t know. Years ago I liked to hitchhike where ever I went and one weekend decided to go see my sister in Fort Wayne, it was back in 1978, it was winter time cold as heck outside, a lot of snow on the ground. I left on Friday afternoon after work made it out to Route 30 and started thumbing, it was a straight shot from there to Fort Wayne, I got a couple rides and was between towns when a blizzard hit. Darkness was falling quick and there was hardly anyone on the road. The people that were out on the road were not stopping. The wind was really blowing the snow was coming down and getting deeper I was starting to wonder if I was going to make it. It got to the point there were no cars the road disappeared as the snow got deeper there were snow drifts high like frozen waves hitting the shore. The snow was knee deep I was alone with nothing I was getting tired I was a few miles out of the next town it was bitter cold. I had a little more covering my body then I did in Niagara Falls a couple years earlier but it wasn’t enough to get through below zero weather over night stuck out in the middle of no where with no cover from the elements.
Way off in the distance there was a light burning I wasn’t sure how far away it was but I followed that light I went through a few corn fields and fell into a ditch through snow after acouple hours I walked into the Columbia City, Indiana Truckstop. I brushed off all that snow went into the head cleaned up a bit came out sat at the counter and ordered a hot chocolate, back then they were real and hot, they hit the spot cost only about .50 cents. There was 3 of us there at the counter me, the owner, and one trucker who was hauling a rig filled with beer he gave me a ride into Fort Wayne. I made it to my sisters around nine or ten can’t remember exactly. We all got snowed in the winds were over a hundred miles per hour, many people got trapped in their vehicles out on the road, many died, a car load of kids were found frozen under a snow drift in Ohio. I was stuck there a few days after a few days with my sister I was ready to get the Hell away from her and hike through another blizzard. She was bitching at me at every turn and I decided enough was enough and left on Tuesday, but no one was allowed to be out in the weather, conditions were still bad so if you were seen out there the National Guard would take you into custody for your own safety, they got me and took me to their shelter. It was an old building with good heat plenty of food, bologna and cheese sandwiches, kool aide, coffee and chips. I just kicked back smoked a few Marlboros, pounded the coffee got warmed up, got hungry, ate all their food, went up to the sleeping quarters up on the 2nd floor did a hang drop out the window snuck on down the road a bit, hit Route 30 and Hitch hiked home.
I’m glad I did not have to evacuate from the smoke and fire and go to a shelter, but I was hoping if I did they had plenty of bologna and cheese sandwiches to eat.
Here are your Scanner Reports, MONday:
- I heard something about the National Guard being at the APS roundabout first thing MONday Morning made me think of Fort Wayne so many years ago.
- Unreported Stolen Auto found by a citizen at Pedregosa and Bath streets.
- A blue motorcycle blew the barricade at Lou Dillion and Salinas and disappeared police searched for it but did not find it.
- Theft of Tools 300 Block of East Yanonali.
- Gas odor outside Cota at APS.
- Someone who has no feelings for others using a leaf blower in the 700 Block of Castillo.
- Panhandler refusing to leave 7-eleven 331 West Montecito. They could be helping clean up a disaster but they would rather beg for money.
- Medical call 300 Block of West Mission the patient passed away Rest in Peace.
- Smoke investigation outside 1600 Block of Hillside.
- 2 Subjects checking vehicle door handles in the parking lot of Golds Gym in the 3900 Block of State street.
- Theft investigation 300 Block of South Voluntario.
- Subject who barricaded himself in a room at Cottage Hospital Wrapped and taken to County Jail where I guess he’d rather be, Hell not me I’d take vanilla Pudding and Fruit Punch any day over Soy Crap.
- Non injury hit and run then a short pursuit with the suspect on the East Side till the idiot got caught and went to County Jail.
- 1200 Block of Liberty Domestic couple arguing over Evacuating
- Miller at Main in Santa Maria Long Haired old hippie wearing a flannel shirt flipping off vehicles in the Roadway. “Mother? Is that you?
- Camper at the Harbor View Inn 28 West Cabrillo.- Another Leaf Blower addict in the 1100 Block of San Pascual.
- Transients yelling in Vera Cruz Park.
- Two Medical calls at the Franklin Clinic 1100 Block of East Montecito.
- 415 At Legal Aide 300 Block of East Canon Perdido subject refusing to leave
- Fall victim broken arm at the Library 40 East Anapamu.
- SBSO Patrol checking out residences in Montecito I won’t say where to surprise potential looters one never knows when a cop or a firefighter is going to show up, or maybe even the National Guard.
- Drunk subject in the 1000 Block of Chapala.
- Fire reported out 300 Block of Khouri in Lompoc Structure Fire call.
- Prowler wearing running clothing white tee shirt, black shorts, black shoes on a property in the 600 Block of Stone House Lane in Montecito.
- Hollister and Storke vehicle accident.
- UI Male called police and said he was being kidnapped in the 200 Block of Ladera.
Scanner Reports, Tuesday:
- Subject with a vehicle acted as if or tried to run over a Cottage Hospital employee outside the ER.
- Subject trespassing in the area of DLV and Ortega.
- Lazy Acres parking lot on a possible wanted subject who wasn’t really wanted.
- Medical call ill subject 300 Block of West Anapamu.
- Premise check 700 Picacho Lane in Montecito that address sounds very familiar to me but I just can’t place it.
- Vandalism by graffiti in the 4000 Block of Foothill at the school.
- Life Line Alarm 4000 Block of Via Lucero.
- 911 Hang Up Someone called 911 and hung up in the 900 Block of Garden.
- 2 Females physically fighting behind the LemonTree both drove off before police arrived one female went North on State street she was reported as possibly drunk Grey Mercedes North on State street, the other vehicle a Nissan went down Alamar kinda sounds more like a dope deal a couple of dopes fighting.
- Foothill at Alamar phony insurance guy dressed up as a Firefighter per National Guard on scene.
- Transient in front of the Coach Store female bothering employees and taking off her clothing.
- 415 Domestic 1100 Block of San Pascual female heard in background saying “Leave us alone.” Maybe they should argue quietly then so no one calls the police.
- Grand Theft investigation of LapTops 800 Block of Cliff Drive.
- Medical call at Hotel Milo 202 West Cabrillo unknown type.
- SBPD Backup unit 600 Block of West Gutierrez.
- Check the Welfare of a female down near the 76 Station 200 Block of South Milpas.
- Medical call for difficulty breathing 900 Block of East Ortega.
- Premise check on a house 2300 Block of Bella Vista.
- Subject yelling at passing motorists making lewd gestures at Fuel Depot on Cliff Drive.
- Smoke investigation outside McKinley School 350 Loma Alta.
That is all outta me for now Have a Great Hump Day…Peter, Belinda, Angel Baby, Pooh Bear, Fish Head One, Clancy, Poncho, Jerry, Walter, Fred, Brad, Billy, Jonathan, C.J., Carl, Stan, Kent, ELMO, Magruder, Don, Cory, Edwin, Patrick, Christy, Ricky, David Cox, Poe, Rambo, Sherry, Bommy, Poppy, Diana, Jim, Marty, Cop John, Isabelle, Jerry, John Hancock, Mickey Mantle, Ernie Banks, Tom Petty, and Chris willing we will see you on FRYday. Later, Roger