Heather Locklear Arrested in Thousand Oaks

Photo: Ventura County Sheriff’s Office

Actress Heather Locklear was arrested at her Thousand Oaks home on Sunday evening on suspicion of domestic battery and assault of a police officer.

The Ventura County Sheriff’s Office responded to Locklear’s home around 9:42 p.m. for a domestic dispute involving her boyfriend.

According to police reports, Locklear became hostile and uncooperative and became combative with deputies at one point when additional units were called to the scene. Sgt. Eric Buschow stated Locklear started trying to fight with the law enforcement officers, physically resisted arrest, and struggled to get into a patrol car.

She was arrested at 10:27 p.m. on suspicion of one felony count of domestic battery as there was physical evidence of battery on her boyfriend. She also was booked on suspicion of three misdemeanor counts of battery of a peace officer.

Locklear was taken to a hospital and medically cleared before she was booked into the Ventura County Jail. She was released before 6:00 a.m. Monday after posted $20,000 in bail.

This isn’t her first run-in with the law. She was arrested by the California Highway Patrol in 2008 on suspicion of driving under the influence of a controlled substance. She was seen acting bizarrely in a Montecito parking lot — driving back and forth over a pair of sunglasses and revving her engine — before driving away and stopping her car in the street. A CHP officer found the car parked on SR-192 with her behind the wheel. However, in 2009 the DUI charge was dismissed as part of a plea deal, reports the Los Angeles Times.

In 2010, the actress was also arrested for allegedly hitting a no-parking sign on a public street in Ventura County and was cited for misdemeanor hit-and-run. According to TMZ, in 2001 the Los Angeles Police Department responded to a call at Locklear’s then-boyfriend Jack Wagner’s home after an alleged physical altercation, although no charges were filed.

Locklear is best known for starring in such television shows as “Melrose Place” and “Spin City.” She has not made a public statement on the incident. 

Edhat Staff

Written by Edhat Staff

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  1. “A psychology study comparing 214 professional actors to a cohort of non-acting North Americans has in fact found significantly higher rates of disordered personality traits in the thespians. The study, co-authored by actor Mark Davison and University College London psychology professor Adrian Furnham, is forthcoming in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture.
    In the study, male and female actors alike scored significantly higher on measures of antisocial, narcissistic, histrionic, borderline, schizotypal, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder traits than non-actor peers, as defined by the Coolidge Axis-II inventory of personality disorders. Male actors had significantly more traits for dependent and avoidant personality disorders as well.”

  2. Getting arrested is one thing, posting pictures of someone at a low point is another. I am against posting pictures of someone who hasn’t given permission to do so – especially under these circumstances. Its none of anyone’s business to witness by photo someone’s troubles. How would you like having your arrest photo posted for all the county to see?

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