By an edhat reader
I started noticing some very “intense” signs on Chino Street regarding the District 3 City Council race. Seems like it’s getting a bit personal…
From what I gathered from the sign, it seems this individual is upset about the Bike plan on Chino Street, even though it’s already a done deal and has been for a while, right? Curious what edhatters think.
I think there was an article here, but if not search Noozhawk. Cathy Murillo has given $5,000; Gregg Hart has given $2,000: women’s political (dem, of course) groups have given a couple of thousand, all are amounting to about ⅔ of what Oscar Gutierrez has received. This was as of a couple of weeks ago – more may have been given since.
Which means he is all set to be her minion. Other than her active support for this candidate her upcoming work seems to be somewhat secretive. If you’ve been frustrated with this town for the last several years during Schneider’s term, I think it’s about to get worse real quick. Stay tuned.
I’ve met Oscar Gutierrez, and he doesn’t seem like he will be Murillo’s minion. He may start out thinking a lot the same way she does–I’m not sure. But he seems to really listen to people at the candidate forums, and I believe he has his own mind and will use it. Just my impression.
Councilman Eric Friedman started out on city council firmly planted under Murillo’s wing, following her every beck and call. Has Freidman become independent voice on city council yet?
Murillo’s Puppet, Oscar Gutierrez, stated at the recent forums 1) that to increase revenue and spur the economy we needed to move to PAID Parking permits and METERED Parking all over town, ( guess Westside folks have $$$$ to pay for paid parking permits when rents continue to increase), 2) he did not like the decision to privatize the Golf Course, which was costing tax payers ~$500,000.00 per year, 3) thinks everything can be solved if the city creates an mobile phone app for all sorts of city applications (he’s crazy!), 4) thinks that businesses downtown need to join the Axxess Card program, do more social media and offer more online coupons to spur business (no need for a economic development plan for the city I guess, not talk of higher wage jobs), 5) wants to continue promote GENTRIFICATION through the AUD program by bulldozing affordable housing to build market rate housing, 6) is a supporter of high density housing along transportation corridors (bus line #1 and #2, San Andres and Milpas), which will INCREASE GENTRIFICATION on the Westside by allowing up to 5 stories (new law at sate level to produce more housing) that want to build MORE housing along bus and train lines that have buses stop every 15 minutes or less. The city can’t stop it unless it re-times the buses to stop more than every 15 minutes. Gutierrez wants to have re-time for every 10 minutes! The city will have apartment buildings (affordable housing) torn down to build new 5 stories building for residents who can’t afford market rate housing.
I think I’m glad I don’t live on the Westside, haha! Sorry, but seriously, is it just me or has nobody seen/read/heard a peep from our new mayor and former District 3 representative? With all she promised and how much she enjoys “getting in to it,” I sure haven’t heard much since she took office.
Yikes.. feels like a personal vendetta against Gutierrez.
Who is pro food cart…? Who will be pro parking derelict RV’s and non-operating vehicles …? Who will be pro “Home Depot-shed-living-in backyards”…? Who will see graffiti as “art”…? Who is pro “homeless” allowed to camp next to the fwy and RR areas…? Who is pro 10+ people living in a two bedroom house…? Just a few “westside” concerns that no one wants changed…!
Problem is no Third District rep will be able help District Three matters, since they will have a built in conflict of interest simply by actually living in the district they are supposed to represent. District Four rep Kristen Sneddon was abruptly yanked out of city council chambers when the ADU high fire zone issue came up for a vote, because she lived in that affected district. Think about this. We now elect district reps to represent unique city districts, but they can’t participate in the process when they actually live in these very same districts under discussion.
The mayor did far more than peep. She is actively engaged supporting one candidate over the others.
FYI, get the facts right. SB Women’s Political Committee is not “Dems.” It is a NONPARTISAN organization.
I am guessing from the comments posted her that few, if any, of the commentators live in the district they are dissing. So while it might feel good to vent, the decision will be made by those who are going to be represented by the winner. Good.
Sorry. SBWPC gave up being non partisan years ago. They do whatever the Democratic Party here tells them to. They endorse men over women if the Democratic Central Committee tells them too. Mary Rose, who also runs campaigns like Murillo’s, Oscar’s, Joan Hartman, etc., sits on their board. Think any other non-Mary Rose-run candidate has any shot?
This crap is totally rigged.
And people think candidates have a fair shot in these races.
Not really. The collective decisions made by Council members affect the entire city.
In this town which is virtually 100% Blue-Progressive, how could one tell if SBWPC is “non-partisan”. (Which it is not – at least demonstrated by its own track record)
Regarding the SBWPC: definitely a nonpartisan organization. Does not take any direction from the Dems whatsoever. Endorses feminist, pro-choice women and men and would be very happy to endorse any Republican that is in sync with WPC positions. Mary Rose has not been on the WPC board in semveral years. Facts.
100% Fake. 100% Puppet. That’s what Oscar really is. Oscar doesn’t believe in or understand the talking points he rattles off. – His talking points come from Cathy Murillo, Mary Rose and the Democratic Machine. – How many people know that Murillo and Rose not only attended endorsement meetings, but in some cases, Lobbied decision makers during Candidate Interviews to have them endorse Oscar? Do 3 speeches to 1 sound sound kosher to you? How many of you think this is a bit Fishy? – This has never been done before and shows exactly how worried both of them were that Oscar would bomb the interviews. Unfortunately, there were no rules against it, so the organizations had to let them do it. Murillo and Rose were members of each organization. If that doesn’t also influence decisions I don’t know what does…. I hear that Oscar’s speeches were not not too good. He ended each one with something like “I’m not a talker, I’m a do’er.” – Can someone tell me exactly what he has done? Cathy lobbied the Democratic Party voters to endorse him, he hasn’t walked much because it conflicts with his work schedule, he can’t do any critical analysis, he’s got a campaign manager and they mayor writing responses to questionnaires for endorsements and lobbying during candidate interviews, Murillo and Hart gave him $7,000.00 for his campaign in an effort to ensure that he wins and Oscar is memorizing someone else’s talking points to get through the election process. All while trying to play up his non-existent government experience and commitments to the community. – He seems to think that by virtual of doing his paid job that he will by osmosis understand how government works and believes that he is contributing to the community. The more you step back and look at the candidates. The more you realize that Oscar hasn’t earned anyone’s vote. It’s all been handed to him by Murillo. The question people need to ask is WHY? – If she gets Oscar over the finish line. He will owe her Big Time! He will get a job that pays over $63,000.00 per year and closer to $80,000.00 with benefits. Saying that he won’t vote her way when he knows he was elected solely because of her lobbying efforts and and talking points, and not his own work, beliefs, skills or effort makes me think that Murillo’s will have 2 votes on council. Wouldn’t you think this if a Puppet gets elected?
Rose and Murillo lobbied the SBWPC decision makers during Candidate Interviews. FACT. They are both long time members. FACT. No one else has ever taken the extraordinary step of having one, let alone two, people come to Candidate Interviews to give speeches. FACT. Sounds more like they are worried and not that they are confident in Murillo’s Puppet. FACT.
Duh. So I suppose you participate in town hall meetings in New Hampshire as well.
Fact: it takes a majority vote for city council to negotiate city employee contracts. Fact: When city employee unions, via the Democrat party and other progressive political organizations, make sure they have a majority of members beholden to their financial and political support, you will continue to get these same unbalanced city budgets, growing unfunded liabilities for employee pensions, under-funded city infrastructure, more dense development and higher local taxes. Fact.: Four city employee union dedicated members on city council insures the city employee unions bargain only with themselves when they hand out taxpayer dollars. Fact: we did not get into this mess overnight. Fact: we don’t have a way to crawl out of it with the current city council make-up. Fact: we can make it worse. Fact: we are doing this to ourselves by our votes.